Haofeng Xu 

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Accounting and Finance

Loughborough University

Research interests: Financial Technology, Big Data Analytics, Textual Analysis

Email: h.xu@lboro.ac.uk

Official Site


"Multiple Large Shareholders, Blockholder Exit and Stock Price Crash Risk" (2024), with Jiao Ji and Hanwen Sun, European Financial Management, 30, 1344–1384. 

"Legal Enforcement and FinTech Credit: International Evidence" (2023), with Jiao Ji, Hongfeng Peng, and Hanwen Sun, Journal of Empirical Finance, 72, 214-231. ISSN 0927-5398.

"Board Tenure Diversity, Culture and Firm Risk: Cross-Country Evidence" (2021), with Jiao Ji, Hongfeng Peng, and Hanwen Sun, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 70, 101276. ISSN 1042-4431

Selected Working Papers:

"Customer Insights and FinTech Platform Stability", with Jiao Ji, and Hanwen Sun.

Presentation: EAA 2022; EFMA 2022; CFTRC2023; University of Nottingham Ningbo China.

Selected Research Grants:

2023 BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants Scheme, SRG23\231265 (9,070 GBP, Co-I), joint with Jiao Ji (Sheffield) and Wei Song (Nottingham), September 2023.


Current teaching:

 Data Analytics in Accounting and Finance (Year 3), International Financial Management (Postgraduate), Multinational Financial Management (Year 3)

Previous teaching:

Advances in Machine Learning in Finance (Postgraduate), International Finance for Business (Postgraduate), Risk Management (Postgraduate), Financial Derivatives and Risk Management (Year 3), Microeconomics (Foundation and Pre-Master), Macroeconomics (Pre-Master), Statistics for Social Sciences (Foundation), Statistics for Economics (Year 1), Statistics for Accounting and Finance (Year 1), and Statistical Modelling (Year 2)